I am walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure in August 2012. I will be dedicating each of the 60 miles to the memory or honor of our mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, friends, co-workers, etc. that have fought or are fighting breast cancer.

This blog is dedicated them. I walk this mile.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Cupcakes for a cure

I'm not much of a baker, so I knew if I wanted to make stuff for a bake sale, i'd better do a trial run first.  So, i made some cupcakes:
Learned a few things along the way:
Lesson #1 - if you fill the cups up too much, you end up without enough batter to make all 24 cupcakes
Lesson #2 - go for the shorter cooking time instead of the longer, unless you want your cupcakes to look a little dark
Lesson #3 - waiting for the cupcakes to cool enough to put the frosting on is the hardest part...
Lesson #4 - the finished product actually looks good enough to eat:
Lesson #5 - there is such a thing as too many sprinkles; and strawberry frosting is just a bit too "strawberry-y"
So the next time around, I'll be doing some things differently.
Less batter per cupcake
shorter cooking time
different frosting
less sprinkles.

Now I need to make some cookies to try out my nifty pink ribbon cookie cutter (and to test my cookie decorating skills...)

Wanna make a donation to help in the fight against breast cancer?  visit www.the3day.org/goto/mkfuentes1 .  I walk this mile...

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